Turn your free WiFi into a powerful

Your WiFi is a gold mine of data and opportunities. 

Start using it!

Free hotspot

Customers join your Free Wifi network


The client logs in with a social media account 


Grow your customer lists and social networks 


Customers enjoy free WiFi and special offers

Free WiFi Logins

Customers log in with their social media account and it will automatically pull up all their public information, including email address and phone number.

Customer Comments and Reviews

Once the customer logs into the free WiFi at your business, they will be directed to a customizable page and you will be able to request feedback and reviews from your customers. 

Custom Welcome Pages

Customize your welcome pages, add your logo, background images and choose types of login options. 

SMS and email marketing autopilot

Your business will be able to set up text message and email campaigns on autopilot targeting your customers. It also gives you the ability to send bulk offers and messages.  

Offers and applications social networks

Once the customer logs into your company’s free WiFi, they will be directed to a customizable page that displays social media apps and/or offers from your business.

Visualize customer growth

WiFi in conjunction with social networks will automatically provide you with information and demographic data on your customers. Your business will know more about your customers than you ever could have imagined.

¡Potencia tu negocio

con Socialhoot

y aumenta tus clientes de manera efectiva hoy mismo!

Perú – Av. Circunvalación Golf, Los Inkas 206-208, Torre B, Surco, Lima

Estados Unidos - 400 Rella Blvd, Ste. 207-21 . Montebello, NY 10901

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